Minutes (unconfirmed) of 2014 Annual General Meeting

Minutes: NSW Post Card Society Inc Annual General Meeting 2014
Date & Time: Wednesday 6th August 2014 start 1943hrs end 2030hrs
Place: Philas House 17 Brisbane Street Sydney
Attendees: Des Beechey; Patrick Bousseton; Jeff Fitzgerald; Joelle Girard; Neil Litchfield; Robert Mills; Maureen Pollard; Ron Pollard; Tim Tulk; John Sumner; Plus one visitor
1. Apologies :    Derek Moore, Bruce Parker and Caroline Miller.
2. Approval of the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting
Minutes accepted after motion was put forward and seconded.
3. Approval of financial report FY2013-2014
Treasurer Girard presented report. In answer to a question, Treasurer Girard explained that the cost shown for the new PO boxes was for two years in FY 2013. Report was accepted after motion was put forward and seconded. The meeting unanimously expressed its appreciation to Treasurer Girard and to Ron and Maureen Pollard for assisting Treasurer Girard to complete her first Treasurer’s report.
4. Reports from Committee and from Office Bearers
Ron Pollard (bulletin): Ron always needs articles for the Bulletin. He will continue his articles regarding WW1.
Jeff Fitzgerald (Facebook/ Website): The Facebook Page gets little attention. While it currently has 48 likes, it appears that few of our members find it a useful way to communicate. The Society’s website gets considerably more attention, averaging approximately 22 visits per day mostly from the people in the Sydney region who remain on the site for 1 ½ mins a visit and consult two pages on average. Discussion ensued regarding how to make Facebook work better for the Society. Member Neil
Litchfield stated that Society could use advertising in the lead up to Fairs to generate interest and attendance at the NSW PCS fairs and collecting postcards in general. Neil has cards he will post on the Facebook page prior to the next fair. Member Boussseton stated the Facebook page needs to become more dynamic.
Patrick and Neil to work together to generate a better Facebook page.
Tim Tulk (Fairs): Imar Hall will be the NSW PCS fair venue for the remainder of this year and the Society hopes to continue to hold Fairs at Imar Hall in 2015.

5. Election of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Officer and 3 Committee Members .
John Sumner held one proxy vote.

All positions held from FY 2014 were vacated and the following members were nominated,
seconded and accepted the following positions in FY 2015:
President  Tim Tulk
Vice President   Jeff Fitzgerald
Secretary   Joelle Girard
Treasurer    Joelle Girard
Public Officer   Des Beechey
Elected Committee Members: Des Beechey, Patrick Bousseton and  Ron Pollard
6. Membership Fees for 2015-16
To remain at current amounts.
7. Receive and consider the statement to members required by s.26 (6) of the Associations  Incorporation Act.
Statement was presented to the meeting by Treasurer Girard and was signed by Ron Pollard and Joelle Girard.
8. Other Business.
Special mention and thanks was given to the hard work and great help provided to NSW PCS by our outgoing President John Sumner. John will still man the NSW PCS table at our Fairs and continue to help the Society.
Tim Tulk stated that a few members were asking when NSW PCS will return to hold Fairs at Petersham Town Hall. The Society acknowledges that Petersham Town Hall was a good venue to hold our Fairs however Imar Hall is rated just as highly by members and vendors and Imar Hall is a better option financially. The Society will continue to negotiate with the owners of Imar Hall to confirm our Fairs will be held there in 2015.
Joelle Girard
(Secretary NSW PCS)

2021 AGM and Election of Officebearers and Committee members

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021

Agenda: NSW Post Card Society Inc Annual General Meeting

Date & Time: 28/11/2021 at 2:15pm

Place: Imar Hall, Fitzroy St Croydon NSW

  1. Apologies.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting.
  3. Approval of financial report FY2020-2021. Persons authorised to operate Commonwealth Bank accounts of NSWPCS.
  4. Reports from Committee and from Office Bearers.
  5. Election of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Officer and 3 Committee Members.
  6. Receive and consider the statement to members required by s.26 (6) of the Associations Incorporation Act.
  7. Other Business.

All financial members of the Society are entitled to attend the AGM and participate in its business.

All financial members are entitled to appoint a proxy to participate in the AGM and vote on their behalf if they are unable to attend in person. :  Notice appointing a proxy shall be in writing or by email addressed to the secretary and shall state the name of the member appointing the proxy and the name of the person to exercise the power to vote on behalf of the former. Unless the contrary indication is clearly expressed in the notice appointing the proxy that person shall be free to exercise the power as they see fit.

The AGM will be followed by a meeting of the Committee, and it will appoint up to 4 additional members of the Committee by co-option, and allocate responsibilities for the various functions of the Association. All financial members of the Society are welcome to attend the Committee meeting as observers.

Call for Nominations for Office Bearers and Committee Members.

All financial members are eligible to stand for election as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Committee member (3 positions for election).

Nominations of candidates may be made in writing or by email addressed to the Secretary which reaches the Secretary prior to the commencement of the AGM or in person at the AGM when nominations are called for.  The names of the candidate, nominator and of seconder shall be included in each such nomination. The consent of each candidate must be indicated before the conduct of the election and confirmed in writing or by email by each successful candidate, normally before the conclusion of the AGM, and in any event within one week of the conclusion of the AGM.  Each successful candidate should provide details of their address and other means of contact to the Secretary within one week of the conduct of the election.

Addresses for Nominations and Proxy Notification.

The Secretary’s addresses for purpose of notification of appointment of proxies, and nominations of Office Bearers and Committee members are as follows:

Mail: P.O. BOX 1518 POTTS POINT NSW 1335

Email: [email protected]

Joelle Girard


NSW Postcard Collectors Soc. Inc.

Minutes (unconfirmed) of 2013 AGM

Minutes: NSW Post Card Society Inc Annual General Meeting (Unconfirmed)
Date: Wednesday 7th August 2013
Place: Philas House 17 Brisbane Street Sydney
Attendees: Neil Litchfield, Des Beechey, Patrick Bousseton, Tim Tulk, Bill Blinco, Robert Mills, Joelle Girard, Jeff Fitzgerald, Ron Pollard, John Sumner and two visitors
1. Apologies
Peter Godfrey
2. Approval of minutes of 2012 AGM and matters arising from those minutes
Minutes approved. Nil matters arising.
3. Election of office bearers and committee members
The previous year’s office bearers and committee members were thanked for their contribution to NSWPCS. Maureen Pollard acted as Returning Officer. All positions were vacated and the following people were nominated, seconded and accepted the following positions.

President: John Sumner
Vice President  Tim Tulk
Secretary  Joelle Girard
Treasurer  Joelle Girard
Public Officer  Des Beechey
Committee Members  Patrick Bousseton, Des Beechey, Jeff Fitzgerald,

It was noted that up to 4 additional members might be co-oped to the Committee if the proposed revised Constitution was accepted under the following Agenda Item.
4. Motion to amend NSWPCS Constitution
Jeff Fitzgerald moved a motion to amend NSWPCS constitution as outlined in his motion and displayed on the website. He had received feedback on his proposed changes prior to the AGM and incorporated two additional changes to meet issues raised by that feedback. Changes discussed included notifying members of meetings via website/ email and giving the Committee capacity to make authoritative decisions in between meetings and to co-opt members to the committee to ensure the Committee had a membership that could fulfil its roles and responsibilities. Motion to amend the Constitution was carried. Jeff advised that he would put forward a motion needed to implement some of the changes at the quarterly meeting which was to follow.
5. Approval of annual accounts
Treasurer 2012/2013 Ron Pollard explained annual accounts and balance sheet. NSWPCS has loss of $1235.90 from previous financial year. This was Ron’s final AGM as Treasurer.

6. Setting Fees for 2014/15

Discussion included the possibilities of a rise of fees, discounted fees for online membership and discounted fees for multiple year membership. In the event it was decided to make no change to the existing level of fees, except to abolish the $5 joining and re-joining fee. Fees to be reviewed at future quarterly meetings and to be confirmed at next AGM.
7. Hon Membership for Peter Godfrey
Motion moved and carried for NSWPCS Honorary Life Membership to Peter Godfrey in thanks for his role as Auctioneer over many years. Plaque to be presented, signed by NSWPCS President and Secretary.
8. Other business
Ron and Maureen Pollard were thanked for the outstanding contribution they have made to NSWPCS. Most notably in the Treasurer and Membership Officer roles. Their contribution cannot be over-estimated. A round of applause was given to Ron and Maureen.
NSWPCS Secretary

Planned improved methods for members to communicate with other members.

At the most recent Committee meeting of the Society, two exciting potential innovations to assist support members who wish to share knowledge, enthusiasm and cards were discussed with considerable enthusiasm.

The first of these was to assist interest/discussion groups to form and meet periodically. The idea is for collectors with similar or overlapping collecting interests (e.g. collectors of theatre-related cards and ephemera) to make arrangements to meet during Fairs, or otherwise! The possibilities are limited only by the categories of collecting! If you are interested in exploring this possibility, Committee member Neil Litchfield will be at the Fair on Sunday 25 August to facilitate the formation of such groups and discuss any ideas or suggestions members might have about how to make them work effectively for members. Niel will be available from time to time  throughout the Fair in a clearly identified location. If you wish to contact  Neil you can do so by emailing Neil Litchfield .

The second idea is to use the website, and related technology to enable members to communicate on line with other members about collecting interests, issues,and opportunities. Facebook offers one pretty simple and potentially useful possibility. There are others that we will be happy to explore if enough members would be interested. Neil Litchfield has also offered to discuss this with members, as have Committee members Des Beechey and Jeff FitzGerald. If you are interested in this possibility, please see one of us at the August Fair or send one of us an email by clicking on one of our names in blue just above.