Minutes (unconfirmed) of 2013 AGM

Minutes: NSW Post Card Society Inc Annual General Meeting (Unconfirmed)
Date: Wednesday 7th August 2013
Place: Philas House 17 Brisbane Street Sydney
Attendees: Neil Litchfield, Des Beechey, Patrick Bousseton, Tim Tulk, Bill Blinco, Robert Mills, Joelle Girard, Jeff Fitzgerald, Ron Pollard, John Sumner and two visitors
1. Apologies
Peter Godfrey
2. Approval of minutes of 2012 AGM and matters arising from those minutes
Minutes approved. Nil matters arising.
3. Election of office bearers and committee members
The previous year’s office bearers and committee members were thanked for their contribution to NSWPCS. Maureen Pollard acted as Returning Officer. All positions were vacated and the following people were nominated, seconded and accepted the following positions.

President: John Sumner
Vice President  Tim Tulk
Secretary  Joelle Girard
Treasurer  Joelle Girard
Public Officer  Des Beechey
Committee Members  Patrick Bousseton, Des Beechey, Jeff Fitzgerald,

It was noted that up to 4 additional members might be co-oped to the Committee if the proposed revised Constitution was accepted under the following Agenda Item.
4. Motion to amend NSWPCS Constitution
Jeff Fitzgerald moved a motion to amend NSWPCS constitution as outlined in his motion and displayed on the website. He had received feedback on his proposed changes prior to the AGM and incorporated two additional changes to meet issues raised by that feedback. Changes discussed included notifying members of meetings via website/ email and giving the Committee capacity to make authoritative decisions in between meetings and to co-opt members to the committee to ensure the Committee had a membership that could fulfil its roles and responsibilities. Motion to amend the Constitution was carried. Jeff advised that he would put forward a motion needed to implement some of the changes at the quarterly meeting which was to follow.
5. Approval of annual accounts
Treasurer 2012/2013 Ron Pollard explained annual accounts and balance sheet. NSWPCS has loss of $1235.90 from previous financial year. This was Ron’s final AGM as Treasurer.

6. Setting Fees for 2014/15

Discussion included the possibilities of a rise of fees, discounted fees for online membership and discounted fees for multiple year membership. In the event it was decided to make no change to the existing level of fees, except to abolish the $5 joining and re-joining fee. Fees to be reviewed at future quarterly meetings and to be confirmed at next AGM.
7. Hon Membership for Peter Godfrey
Motion moved and carried for NSWPCS Honorary Life Membership to Peter Godfrey in thanks for his role as Auctioneer over many years. Plaque to be presented, signed by NSWPCS President and Secretary.
8. Other business
Ron and Maureen Pollard were thanked for the outstanding contribution they have made to NSWPCS. Most notably in the Treasurer and Membership Officer roles. Their contribution cannot be over-estimated. A round of applause was given to Ron and Maureen.
NSWPCS Secretary

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